Personal Live Demo (with Swisscom Broadcast)

Seeing is believing! Schedule a live session with the Swisscom Event Experts today. We are interested in your event needs and are looking forward to sharing more about our flexible platform for virtual and hybrid events. 


What will happen during the demo?

  • - We want to learn more about you and your event(s)
  • - Give you an overview of the capabilities and flexibility of Veertly
  • - Guide you to create the best event experience for your attendees
  • - Answer any questions you might have
  • - Any other goals? Just tell us!


In case you want to check out the platform yourself, you can simply get a first impression by accessing our always-live demo event.


Why is the demo with Swisscom Broadcast?
Swisscom Broadcast has acquired the Veertly event platform. More info can be found on our acquisition announcement page.


Trusted by brands in various industries

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